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About Cornerstone Home Inspection Services

My passion as a Home Inspector can be traced back to when I was a child.  Whether it was Lincoln Logs, Legos, or card houses, I was always intrigued with what worked and what did not when it came to building. 


Ensuring that clients are safe and have the knowledge to maintain their homes is why I chose to open Cornerstone. 


Relevant Experience: I've performed upwards of 500+ Home Inspections, possess a formal education with a Bachelors of Science in Business Administration from the University of Rhode Island, gained 10+ years of hands-on experience in the construction field, and acted as Director of Facilities in the healthcare industry for 5+ years.  This experience and education has provided me with the skillset to own and operate a Home Inspection Company.



  • Licensed Home Inspector (#HI11409)

  • InterNachi Member 

  • Performed over 500 Home Inspections in 3 states

  • 16+ years of experience in all facets of construction

  • Bachelors of Science in Business Administration from the University of Rhode Island




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